第76回定例研究会:Shamima Akter、一橋大学社会科学高等研究院、「Population-level interventions to reduce alcohol-related harms: a systematic review and meta-analysis」
第75回定例研究会:Mizanur Rahman、一橋大学社会科学高等研究院 、「Hypertension Control Through Community Pharmacy Intervention in Rural Bangladesh: Results from a Cluster RCT」
第74回定例研究会:Maria Lohan、UNESCO Chair on Masculinities & Gender Equality, Queen’s University Belfast, Specially Appointed Professor at HIAS、「How to conduct a research priority exercise using a CHNRI methodology? Two examples of research priority setting exercises conducted for the World Health Organization」
第73回定例研究会:LOU Jing、Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of Singapore、「Cost Benefit Analyses of Alternative Testing and Quarantine Policies at Country Border for Infection Control: Case Studies in Southeast Asia during COVID-19」
第72回定例研究会:Smritima Lama、一橋大学、「A comparative study of Australia, India and Japan on the human health-climate change nexus: A perspective on Japan」
社会連携プログラム第7回医療経済短期集中コース(2024/11/22, 23, 24, 30, 12/1)
一橋大学創立150周年記念HIAS Health主催シンポジウム・政策フォーラム「プライマリ・ヘルスケアと社会科学―地域コミュニティで健康に暮らすための制度と実践」
第71回定例研究会:Rashedul Islam、一橋大学社会科学高等研究院、「The relationship between organizational capacity of mutual health organizations and health care access and financial risk protection: Evidence from twin surveys in Senegal」
第70回定例研究会:Nguyen The Phuong、一橋大学「Trends and Projections of Child Immunization in 33 African Countries (2000-2030): A Spatial-Temporal Bayesian Analysis for Universal Health Coverage」
第69回定例研究会:Ping Ruru, 一橋大学「Evaluating the impact of a pilot programme for home- and community-based services on long-term care needs among older adults in China」
第68回定例研究会:陶 涛、中国人民大学社会与人口学院、「Birth Order and Gender Differences in the Division of Elderly Support within Chinese Family in the Process of Individualization」
第66回定例研究会:Stéphane Verguet、Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Harvard University、「Global health priority setting: new quantitative methods to define efficient and equitable pathways toward universal health coverage」
第66回定例研究会:Gabriela Flores、世界保健機関(WHO)、「Too many lack financial protection in health: evidence from the 2023 global monitoring report on Universal health coverage」
第65回定例研究会:Matthew Robson、Erasmus School of Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam、「Estimating Health Equity Weights Across Multiple Domains」
第64回定例研究会:縄田和満、一橋大学社会科学高等研究院特任教授、「An Analysis of Health Factors Affecting Employees’ Absenteeism; and Risk factors for heart, cerebrovascular, and kidney diseases」
第62回定例研究会:加藤 大貴、一橋大学社会科学高等研究院特任助教、「Mailing Vaccination Ticket: A Regression Discontinuity Analysis On Rubella Antibody Testing and Vaccination」
第63回定例研究会:Alex Cook、NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health、「Academic-government collaboration in public health: with case studies in modelling and responding to COVID-19 in Singapore」
第61回定例研究会:Wanrudee Isaranuwatchai,Health Intervention and Technology Assessment Program (HITAP),Ministry of Public Health of Thailand,「Health technology assessment and health system research in Thailand : the case of Evusheld and high-cost users」
第60回定例研究会:Ray Duch,Centre for Experimental Social Sciences,Nuffield College,University of Oxford,「Cash for COVID-19 Vaccines? The Ghana Financial Incentives Trial」
第59回定例研究会:縄田和満、一橋大学社会科学高等研究院、「Heart Diseases, Hypertension and Effects of Antihypertensive Medications: Is Hypertension a True Risk Factor of Heart Diseases?」
第58回定例研究会:Rashedul Islam、一橋大学、「A comprehensive assessment of age-appropriate vaccination coverage in 41 low- and middle-income countries, 2000-2030」
第57回定例研究会:Josselin Thuiliez, Centre d’Économie de la Sorbonne(ソルボンヌ経済研究センター),「An economic-epidemiological model with endogenous behavior and learning: theory and tests」
第56回定例研究会:Dr. Stefan Lipman, Erasmus University Rotterdam,「Tailored financial incentives for health behaviour」
第55回定例研究会:Mizanur Rahman,一橋大学,「Global, regional, and national progress in financial risk protection towards universal health coverage, 2000-2030: a Bayesian Hierarchical Analysis」
第53回定例研究会:Shamima Akter,一橋大学「Effectiveness of population level tobacco control policies to manage noncommunicable diseases: a systematic review and network meta-analysis」
第52回定例研究会:本田文子,一橋大学,「Forgone healthcare resulting from different barrier dimensions: a systematic review and meta-analysisResponses to the COVID-19 pandemic under different healthcare financing models – a comparative study of Brazil, Canada, France, and Japan」
第51回定例研究会:Mizanur Rahman,一橋大学,「Forgone healthcare resulting from different barrier dimensions: a systematic review and meta-analysis」
第50回定例研究会:Hongming Wang,一橋大学,「Covid-19 vaccine prioritization in Japan」
第49回定例研究会:森脇大輔,AI Lab,「Nudging Preventive Behaviors in COVID-19 Crisis: A Large Scale RCT using Smartphone Advertising」