

荒井耕(2017)「DPC対象病院における部門別損益計算・管理の実態:質問票に基づく現状把握」『一橋商学論叢』, 12(2), 10-25.

荒井耕(2017)「論壇 医療法人の事業報告書等を活用した『医療経済実態調査』の補完―改定のための財務情報基盤の充実―」『週刊社会保障』(2017.11.6), 2947, 46-51.

荒井耕(2017)「病院における予算管理の採算性向上効果」『企業会計』, 69(10), 123-128.

Oshio, T., A. Inoue, A. Tsutsumi, T. Suzuki, and K. Miyaki, “The reciprocal relationship between sickness presenteeism and psychological distress in response to job stressors: evidence from a three-wave cohort study,” Journal of Occupational Health, 59,552-561,2017 .

Yamashige, S., Economic Analysis of Families and Society: The Transformation of Japanese Society and Public Policies, (Advances in Japanese Business and Economics), Springer, 2017.

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荒井耕 (2017)「公立病院における部門別原価計算の採算改善効果の検証:経年的分析に基づく有効性評価」『會計』192(3), 42-55.

荒井耕 (2017)「病院界におけるバランスト・スコアカードの効果を高める実践:因果関係考慮の重要性」『原価計算研究』41(2).

Oshio, T., A. Inoue, and A. Tsutsumi, “Examining the mediating effect of work-to-family conflict on the associations between job stressors and employee psychological distress: a prospective cohort study,” BMJ Open, 7, e015608, 2017.

荒井耕 (2017)「DPC対象病院におけるバランスト・スコアカードの実態:質問票調査に基づく定量的把握」『産業経理』, 76(4), 35-47.

Oshio, T. and M. Kan, “The dynamic impact of retirement on health: evidence from a nationwide ten-year panel survey in Japan,” Preventive Medicine, 100, 287-293, 2017.

Oshio, T., A. Inoue, and A. Tsutsumi, “Does work-to-family conflict really matter for health? Cross-sectional, prospective cohort and fixed-effects analyses,” Social Science & Medicine, 175, 36-42, 2017.

Oshio, T. and E. Usui, “Informal parental care and female labor supply in Japan,” Applied Economics Letters, 24(9), 635-638, 2017.

Oshio, T., “Which is more relevant for perceived happiness, individual-level or area-level social capital? A multilevel mediation analysis,” Journal of Happiness Studies, 18 (3), 765-783, 2017.

荒井耕 (2016)「DPC対象病院における予算管理の実態:質問票調査に基づく現状把握」『一橋商学論叢』, 11(1), 12-31.

荒井耕 (2016)「医療分野における管理会計の活用:計数的マネジメントを通じた合意形成」(第5章, 169-201.)樫谷隆夫編著・財務省財務総合政策研究所編『公共部門のマネジメント:合意形成をめざして』, 同文館出版.(荒井発表要旨及び資料のみは<https://www.mof.go.jp/pri/research/conference/fy2015/zk106_01.htm#top>参照)

荒井耕 (2016)「DPC対象病院における予算管理機能の利用状況―機能利用度を高める予算管理実務―」『会計検査研究』, 54, 39-50.

荒井耕 (2016)「病院界における管理会計活用の公私差:採算性改善への示唆」『会計』, 190(3), 69-82.

荒井耕 (2016) 「医療機関における部門の財務的業績による部門長評価・報酬連動の実態:8法人インタビュー調査を基に」『経理研究』, 59, 271-283.

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Shimizutani, S. and T. Oshio, “Public pension benefits claiming behaviour: new evidence from the Japanese study on ageing and retirement,” Japanese Economic Review, 67(3), 235-256, 2016.

Usui, E., S. Shimizutani, and T. Oshio, “Are Japanese men of pensionable age underemployed or overemployed,” Japanese Economic Review, 67(2), 150-168, 2016.

Nozaki, K. and T. Oshio, T, “Multidimensional poverty and perceived happiness: evidence from China, Japan and Korea,” Asian Economic Journal, 30 (3), 275-293, 2016.

Oshio, T. and M. Kan, “How do social activities mitigate informal caregivers’ psychological distress? Evidence from a nine-year panel survey in Japan,” Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 14:117, 2016.

Oshio, T., A. Tsutsumi, and A. Inoue, “Can leisure-time physical activity improve health checkup results? Evidence from Japanese occupational panel data,” Journal of Occupational Health, 58 (4), 354-364, 2016.

Shibuya, K., T. Oshio et al., “Protecting human security: Proposals for the G7 Ise-Shima Summit in Japan,” Lancet, 387(10033), 2155-2162, 2016.