

荒井耕 (2019)「病院経営医療法人における管理会計実践:多角経営類型により異なる実施状況」『産業経理』, 78(4), 83-95.

Saito, M., N. Kondo, T. Oshio, T. Tabuchi, and K. Kondo, “Relative deprivation, poverty, and mortality in Japanese older adults: a six-year follow-up of the JAGES cohort survey,” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, in press.

Oshio, T. and S. Shimizutani, “Health capacity to work and its long-term trend among the Japanese elderly,” Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 51, 76-86, 2019.

Oshio, T. and M. Kan, “Preventive impact of social participation on the onset of non-communicable diseases among middle-aged adults: a 10-wave hazards-model analysis in Japan,” Preventive Medicine118, 272-278, 2019.

荒井耕 (2019)「病院経営医療法人における資産の有効活用度の実態 : 多角経営類型別の資産利用の効率性分析」一橋大学大学院経営管理学研究科ワーキングペーパーNo.149.〈https://hermes-ir.lib.hit-u.ac.jp/rs/handle/10086/29768

Ii, M. and B. Niu, “Are Japanese People Satisfied with Their Health Care System and Services? Empirical Evidence from Survey Data,” Health Policy, in press.

Yao,Y.,  G. Wan, and D. Meng, “Income distribution and health: can polarization explain health outcomes better than inequality?”, European Journal of Health Economics, Forthcoming.

荒井耕 (2018)「同時改定下における医療機関でのビジョンと価値の高いサービスの実現には何が重要か」『病院』, 77(12), 934-938.

荒井耕 (2018)「病院経営医療法人における事業計画の特徴・利用状況と業績評価活用:BSC的性質の有用性」『會計』, 194(4), 25-39.

荒井耕 (2018)「医療法人の事業報告書等を活用した「病院経営医療法人の財務的な健全性に関する実態分析 : 多角経営類型に着目して」一橋大学大学院経営管理研究科ワーキングペーパーNo.147. 〈http://hermes-ir.lib.hit-u.ac.jp/rs/handle/10086/29569

Oshio, T., “Association between successful smoking cessation and changes in marital and job status and health behaviours: evidence from a 10-wave nationwide survey in Japan,” BMC Public Health, 18:1051, 2018.

Nakamura, R., A. J. Mirelman, C. Cuadrado, N. Silva-Illanes, J. Dunstan, and M. Suhrcke, “Evaluating the 2014 sugar-sweetened beverage tax in Chile: An observational study in urban areas,” PLOS Medicine, 2018.


Oshio, T. and M. Kan, “Impact of parents’ need for care on middle-aged women’s lifestyle and psychological distress: evidence from a nationwide longitudinal survey in Japan,” Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 16:63, 2018.

Oshio, T., “Widening disparities in health between educational levels and their determinants in later life: evidence from a nine-year cohort study,” BMC Public Health, 18:278, 2018.

Oshio, T., A. Inoue, and A. Tsutsumi, “Associations among job demands and resources,work engagement, and psychological distress: fixed-effects model analysis in Japan,” Journal of Occupational Health, 60, 254-262, 2018.

Oshio, T. and E.Usui, “How does informal caregiving affect daughters’ employment and mental health in Japan?” Journal of the Japanese and International Economics, 49, 1-7, 2018.

荒井耕(2018)「医療福祉事業における管理会計の活用―経済環境変化による必要性の高まりと現状―」『會計』, 193(2), 80-92.

Nakamura, R., M. Suhrcke, and D. Zizzo, “A triple test for behavioral economics models and public health policy,” Theory and Decision, 83 (4), 513-533, 2017.

荒井耕(2017)「DPC対象病院における部門別損益計算・管理の実態:質問票に基づく現状把握」『一橋商学論叢』, 12(2), 10-25.

荒井耕(2017)「論壇 医療法人の事業報告書等を活用した『医療経済実態調査』の補完―改定のための財務情報基盤の充実―」『週刊社会保障』(2017.11.6), 2947, 46-51.

荒井耕(2017)「病院における予算管理の採算性向上効果」『企業会計』, 69(10), 123-128.

Oshio, T., A. Inoue, A. Tsutsumi, T. Suzuki, and K. Miyaki, “The reciprocal relationship between sickness presenteeism and psychological distress in response to job stressors: evidence from a three-wave cohort study,” Journal of Occupational Health, 59,552-561,2017 .

Yamashige, S., Economic Analysis of Families and Society: The Transformation of Japanese Society and Public Policies, (Advances in Japanese Business and Economics), Springer, 2017.

荒井耕・阪口博政・渡邊亮・古井健太郎 (2017) 「DPC疾患群別費用及び採算に関する病院の認識と実態についての調査」『日本医療・病院管理学会誌』, 54(2), 37-43.

荒井耕 (2017)「医療法人の事業報告書等を活用した「医療経済実態」把握の有用性―既存の公的類似調査の適切な補完―」一橋大学大学院商学研究科ワーキングペーパーNo.146. 〈http://hermes-ir.lib.hit-u.ac.jp/rs/handle/10086/28758

荒井耕 (2017)「公立病院における部門別原価計算の採算改善効果の検証:経年的分析に基づく有効性評価」『會計』192(3), 42-55.

荒井耕 (2017)「病院界におけるバランスト・スコアカードの効果を高める実践:因果関係考慮の重要性」『原価計算研究』41(2).

Oshio, T., A. Inoue, and A. Tsutsumi, “Examining the mediating effect of work-to-family conflict on the associations between job stressors and employee psychological distress: a prospective cohort study,” BMJ Open, 7, e015608, 2017.

荒井耕 (2017)「DPC対象病院におけるバランスト・スコアカードの実態:質問票調査に基づく定量的把握」『産業経理』, 76(4), 35-47.