- 2018.10.05
- Prof. Han Bleichrodt, Erasmus School of Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam, visited the president of Hitotsubashi University
- 2018.09.21
- Website is renewed. (Research themes page is newly added)
- 2018.09.12
- Dr. Ryota Nakamura, HIAS Health researcher, moderated a session at ISPOR Asia Pacific 2018 Conference.
- 2018.08.31
- [Report] HIAS Health co-organized “Japan-Singapore Academic Forum and Policy Roundtable” with Singapore Management University
- 2018.08.03
- [Report] The 31st regular seminar : Ying Yao, Hitotsubashi University, “Tobacco Purchasing Behavior : An Analysis of Japanese Consumer Panel Data”
- 2018.07.23
- [Open position]Postdoctoral Researcher
- 2018.07.19
- [Report] The 30th regular seminar : Makoto TOBE, JICA, “Enabling pregnant women in rural mountainous areas of the Philippines to deliver babies at health facilities without suffering financial hardship — Cooperation for attaining Universal Health Coverage (UHC) by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)”
- 2018.07.04
- International press feature Dr. Ryota NAKAMURA’s recent study.
- 2018.06.28
- [Report]The 29th regular seminar/Public Economics Workshop:Reo TAKAKU, Institute for Health Economics and Policy, “Detecting Waste in Health Care *via* Hospital Sorting”
- 2018.06.26
- [Report]The 28th regular seminar/Public Economics Workshop:Shinya SUGAWARA, Tokyo University of Science, ”Pay-for-Performance and Selective Referral in Long-Term Care (joint with Toshiaki Iizuka and Haruko Noguchi)”