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Establishment of the Research Center for Health Policy and Economics (HIAS Health)

In order to contribute in solving problems related to healthcare and social security with high-level social science researches, Hitotsubashi University has launched the Research Center for Health Policy and Economics (HIAS Health) in the Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study (HIAS) in February 2016.


By undertaking high-quality social science research, HIAS-Health aims to contribute to the resolution of policy issues on health, medical care, long-term care and social security both in Japan and internationally. Research at HIAS-Health is characterized by: (1) research outputs that are produced in cooperation by social science and health science disciplines, (2) collaboration between researchers in various fields of social science, including economics, business administration, sociology and law, and (3) problem-oriented approaches that link policy to policy implementation. HIAS-Health strives to produce both empirical research outputs and theories based on empirical studies for use in evidence-based policy making.

Key Activities

HIAS-Health focuses on interdisciplinary, issue-driven, high-quality research. To ensure effective communication occurs between researchers and health system stakeholders, HIAS-Health disseminates research outputs via academic journals, scientific conference presentations, policy briefs, working papers, symposia and workshops. Human resources are developed by training young researchers and professionals who can contribute to strengthening health systems from a broader societal perspective. In collaboration with the Graduate School of Economics at Hitotsubashi University, the Health Economics Program offers a professional development course in health economics for Masters-level students. HIAS-Health also delivers the ‘Social Cooperation Program for health economics’ for people working in health systems, including local health administrators, health professionals and hospital managers. In addition, HIAS-Health strives to implement its research findings through collaboration with various health system stakeholders, including international organizations, government ministries, local governments and medical institutions. Many HIAS Health researchers contribute to the policy development process, by serving on government committees or advisory bodies for international organizations.  

Local and Global Research Network

HIAS-Health’s extensive national and global network has been developed through research, education and social activities. HIAS-Health has conducted significant research in the field of global health since its inception and continues to collaborate with research institutions outside Japan (see the map indicating HIAS-Health global health research projects). HIAS-Health works with international organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and various international research consortia to deliver research, workshops and seminars. In addition, being based at Hitotsubashi University, which specializes in the social sciences, HIAS-Health has the opportunity to bring together researchers from the fields of economics, business administration and sociology to engage in interdisciplinary research on health policy and systems.