一橋大学社会科学高等研究院 (HIAS) 特任講師
バングラデシュのUniversity of RajshahiにてMSc(Demography)及びPh.D(Reproductive Health)を取得。国立国際医療研究センター疫学・予防研究部室長等を経て、2021年1月より一橋社会科学高等研究院 医療政策・経済研究センター特任講師。生活習慣に起因する非感染性疾患の予防と管理を主な研究関心とし、これまで同分野における一次研究の実施に加えてシステマティック・レビュー及びメタアナリシスを用いたエビデンスの統合に従事してきた。その研究成果は非感染性疾患等の抑制に向けた政策策定に活用されている。
- Akter S, Rahman MM, Rouyard T, Aktar S, Nasashiyi RS, Nakamura R. “A systematic review and network meta-analysis of population-level tobacco control policies to change smoking behavior.” Nature Human Behaviour 2024; 8, 2367–2391.
- Akter S, Islam MR, Rahman MM, Rouyard T, Nasashiyi RS, Hossain F, Nakamura R. “Evaluation of population level tobacco control interventions and health outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis.” JAMA Netw Open 2023;6(7):e2322341.
- Rahman MM, de Silva A, Sassa M, Islam MR, Aktar S, Akter S. “A systematic analysis and future projections of the nutritional status and interpretation of its drivers among school aged children in South-East Asian countries.” The Lancet Regional Health – Southeast Asia 2023; 16: 100244.
- Rahman MM, Rouyard T, Khan ST, Nakamura R, Islam MM, Hossain MS, Akter S, et al. “Reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health intervention coverage in 70 LMICs, 2000-2030: Trends, Projections and Inequities.” Lancet Global Health 2023; 11(10):e1531-e1543.
- Rahman MM, Rosenberg M, Flores G, Parsell N, Akter S, et al. “A systematic review and meta-analysis of unmet needs for healthcare and long-term care among older people.” Health Economics Review 2022; 12:16.
- Akter J, Islam MR, Akter S, Rahman MM, Hossain F, Anam MR, et al. “Equity in access to safely managed sanitation and prevalence of diarrheal diseases in Bangladesh: A national and sub-national analysis.” BMC Infect Dis 2022; 22:871
- Akter S, Islam Z, Mizoue T, Sawada N, Ihira H, Tsugane S, et al., “Smoking and colorectal cancer: a pooled analysis of 10 population-based cohort studies in Japan.” Int J Cancer 2021, 148(3), 654-664.
- Akter S, Nakagawa T, Honda T, Yamamoto S, Kuwahara K, Okazaki H, et al., “Smoking, smoking cessation, and risk of mortality in a Japanese working population - Japan Epidemiology Collaboration on Occupational Health Study.” Circ J , 2018; 82(12), 3005-3012.
研究業績・経歴詳細(一橋大学 研究者情報)