一橋大学大学院経済学研究科 教授
一橋大学国際・公共政策大学院 教授
国際基督教大学(ICU)を卒業後、ウィスコンシン大学マディソン校でPh.D.(Economics)を取得。ワシントンDCの世界銀行で働いた後、1995年から横浜国立大学経済学部、2004年から一橋大学、2005年より現職。医療経済学を専門とし、質と財政の両立を目指した医療制度構築(プライマリ・ケアのシステム)や不確実性の下の医療(情報と合理的意思決定の分析)などを研究テーマとしている。専門職大学院の教育として、理論と現実の政策の接点に重点をおいた講義を行っている。著書に 「新医療経済学」(五十嵐中氏・中村良太氏との共著・日本評論社・2019年)、「アジアの医療保障制度」(東大出版・2009年)など。
- Ii, M., “The paradox of the COVID-19 pandemic: the impact on patient demand in Japanese hospitals,” mimeo, 2021.
- 井伊雅子(2020)「経済教室 コロナ対策データ基盤に:医療体制とコスト(上)」日本経済新聞2020年11月23日 朝刊 12面
- 井伊雅子・五十嵐中・中村良太(2019)『新医療経済学』, 日本評論社
- Ii, M. and B. Niu, “Are Japanese People Satisfied with Their Health Care System and Services? Empirical Evidence from Survey Data,” Health Policy, 123(4), 345-352, 2019.
- 井伊雅子(2018)「[特集1]プライマリヘルスケア40周年:医療経済学とプライマリ・ケア」『国際保健』, 33(2), 99-104.
- van Weel, C., R. Kassai, G. W. Tsoi, S. J. Hwang, K. Cho, S. Y. Wong, C. Phui-Nah, S. Jiang, M. Ii, and F. Goodyear-Smith, “Evolving Health Policy for Primary Care in the Asia Pacific Region,” British Journal of General Practice, 66(647), e451-3, 2016.
- 井伊雅子編著(2015)『地域医療・介護の費用対効果分析に向けて』(フィナンシャル・レビュー 123)財務省財務総合政策研究所編
- Sekimoto, M. and M. Ii, “Supplier-Induced Demand for Chronic Disease Care in Japan: Multilevel Analysis of the Association between Physician Density and Physician-Patient Encounter Frequency,” Value in Health Regional Issues, 6, 103-110, 2015.
- Ii, M., "Protecting Our Lives through Healthcare Reform," Japan SPOTLIGHT, Jan/Feb, 16-19, 2014
- 関本美穂・井伊雅子(2013)「医師数,医療機関数,病床数,患者数のバランスから評価した医療資源の地域格差とその推移」『厚生の指標』, 60(11), 1-8.
- Ii, M., “Challenges in Reforming the Japanese Health Care System," Clements, B., D. Coady, and S. Gupta. (Eds.) The Economics of Public Health Care Reform in Advanced and Emerging Economies, International Monetary Fund, Publication Services, 2012.
- Sawada, Y., K. Nawata, M. Ii, and M.J. Lee, “Did the Financial Crisis in Japan Affect Household Welfare Seriously?" Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 43 (2-3), 297-324, 2011.
- Behruzi, R., M. Hatem, W. Faser, L. Goulet, M. Ii, and C. Misago, "Facilitators and barriers in the humanization of childbirth practice in Japan," BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 10 (1), 1, 2010.
- Nawata, K., M. Ii, H. Toyama, T. Takahashi, "Evaluation of the Inclusive Payment System Based on the Diagnosis Procedure Combination with Respect to Cataract Operations in Japan,” Health, 1(2), 93-103, 2009.
- 第85 回日本健康学会総会 教育講演 「安心安全のための医療制度-医療経済学から考える-」, 2020年12月2日(オンライン開催)
- WONCA European Regional Conference 2020, Decision-making under uncertainty: results from a multisector 'think tank' exploring how to make a difference in Japan, December, 2020(online)
- Chair and Speaker, WONCA Asia Pacific Regional Conference 2019, Plenary Session 5 : Cost-effectiveness, How to tackle NCDs in the era of tightening budget constraints: experts opinions “Why do we need health technology assessments (HTAs)”, 17 May, 2019, Kyoto
- Speaker, WONCA Asia Pacific Regional Conference 2019. Plenary Session 6 : Research Scaling-up regional comparative outcome studies on countries’ health systems and primary care status “Primary health care data to support health-economics: Turning soft values in hard data” , 17 May, 2019, Kyoto
- 日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会 学術大会 「家庭医療の包括的診療を反映する 診療報酬及び医療制度のあり方を探る」, 2018年6月17日, 三重
- Discussant, Session 2: Measures to Achieve Sustainable Healthcare System Tokyo Fiscal Forum 2016 “Fiscal Policy for Long-term Growth and Sustainability in Aging Societies: Achieving Sustainable Social Spending” organized by Ministry of Finance, IMF, and ADBI, June 6-7, 2016, Tokyo
- Discussant, Session 2: Challenges in Expenditure: Social Spending in Aging Societies Tokyo Fiscal Forum 2015“Fiscal Policy for Long-Term Growth and Sustainability in Aging Societies organized by Ministry of Finance, IMF, and ADBI, June 10-11, 2015, Tokyo
- Speaker, Plenary Symposium 'Primary Health Care Policy Implementation', Asia Pacific Regional Conference of the World Organization of Family Doctors (WONCA), March 05 - 08 2015, Taipei, Taiwan
- “The Role of Primary Health Care in Controlling the Cost of Specialist Health Care,” 国際シンポジウム「高齢者医療・介護統合モデルの構築と政策への適用(Managing Integration of Long Term Care of Elderly)」, 2014年9月28日, 品川, 東京
- Chair, Symposium: Health Care Financing, Asia Pacific Regional Conference of the World Organization of Family Doctors (WONCA) 2014, May 21-24, 2014, Kuching, Malaysia
- “Reform Strategies: the Experience of Advanced Asian Economies, Japan Case Study,” IMF Public Health Care Reform in Asia, October 3, 2011, Tokyo
- "A Universal Health-care System and the High Cost of Anti-cancer Drug," The 23rd International Symposium, Recent Progress on Breast Cancer: Challenges to Integration of Emerging Sciences, April 23-25, 2010, Tokyo.
- "Health care for the elderly-how should finance the costs," 19th PECC (Pacific Economic Cooperation Council) General Meeting and 2nd International Workshop on Social Resilience, October 2010, Tokyo.
研究業績・経歴詳細(一橋大学 研究者情報)