東京大学 名誉教授
1979年 東京大学工学部資源開発工学科卒業
1981年 ペンシルバニア州立大学経済学部修士課程入学
1982年 ペンシルバニア州立大学経済学部修士課程修了
1982年 スタンフォード大学経済学部博士課程入学
1986年 スタンフォード大学経済学部博士課程修了,博士号を取得(Ph.D., Economics)
1986年 シカゴ大学経済学部Assistant Professor
1989年 東京大学教養学部助教授
1989年 東京大学大学院経済学研究科を兼担
1993年 西オ-ストラリア大学経済学Visiting Professor
1996年 東京大学大学院総合文化研究科国際社会科学専攻助教授
1999年 同研究科教授
2000年 東京大学大学院工学系研究科地球システム工学専攻・工学部システム創成学科教授
2008年 東京大学大学院工学系研究科技術経営戦略学専攻・工学部システム創成学科教授
2016年 ヨーク大学経済学部Academic Visitor
2022年 一橋大学社会科学高等研究院 特任教授 現在に至る
- 縄田和満著, 「Excelによる統計入門」, 朝倉書店, 1996.
- 縄田和満著, 「TSPによる計量経済分析入門」, 朝倉書店, 1997.
- 縄田和満著, 「Lotus 1-2-3 統計入門Book」, 朝倉書店, 1998.
- 縄田和満著, 「Excelによる回帰分析入門」, 朝倉書店, 1998.
- 縄田和満著, 「Excelによる線形代数入門」, 朝倉書店, 1999.
- 縄田和満著, 「Excelによる統計入門(第2版)」, 朝倉書店, 2000.
- 縄田和満著, 「Excel VBAによる統計解析」, 朝倉書店, 2000.
- 縄田和満著, 「Excel統計解析ボックスによる統計分析」, 朝倉書店, 2001.
- 縄田和満著, 「Cによる統計分析入門」, 東洋経済新報社, 2001.
- 縄田和満著, 「Excelによる確率入門」, 朝倉書店, 2003.
- 縄田和満著, 「理工系のための経済学・ファイナンス理論」, 東洋経済新報社, 2003.
- 縄田和満著, 「TSPによる計量経済分析入門(第2版)」, 朝倉書店, 2006.
- 縄田和満著, 「Excelによる統計入門-Excel2007対応版―」, 朝倉書店, 2007.
- 縄田和満著, 「EViewsによる計量経済分析入門」, 朝倉書店, 2009.
- 縄田和満著, 「基礎系 数学 確率・統計I (東京大学工学教程)」, 丸善, 2013.
- Nawata, K., "Probability and Statistics I," University of Tokyo, Engineering Course, 2013.
- 縄田和満著,「Excelによる統計入門(第4版)」, 朝倉書店, 2020.
- 簑谷千凰彦,縄田和満,和合肇編,「計量経済学ハンドブック」,朝倉書店,2007.
- 東京大学教養学部統計学教室編,「統計学入門」,東京大学出版会,1991(全体のほぼ半分を担当。).
- 牧厚志,宮内環,浪花貞夫,縄田和満,「応用計量経済学II」,多賀出版,(全体の1/4を担当。)
- 東京大学教養学部統計学教室編「自然科学の統計学」,東京大学出版会,1992の第8 章「質的データの統計解析」(231-250ページ).
- 東京大学教養学部統計学教室編「社会科学の統計学」,東京大学出版会, 1994の第7 章「経済分析における回帰分析」(155-200ページ)の主要部分,
- 「2000年の銅・亜鉛の需要予測」,地球工学ハンド・ブック (オーム社) , 1991, 314-317.
- 「人口問題と地球環境」,地球環境 ‘98-99(ミオシン出版),1998, 17-42.
- 「人口問題と地球環境」,ポスト資本主義経済(ミオシン出版), 1998, 23-37.
- “Population Growth and Sustainability –Requirements for Establishing a Sustainable Society-” in K. Mori ed., Society in 2050 –Choice for Global Sustainability-, 1999, 15-49, Maruzen Planet, Tokyo.
- 「人口問題と地球環境」,地球環境2000-01(ミオシン出版), 2000, 20-38.
- 『質的データのプロビットモデル,ロジットモデルによる分析』,杉山高一他編「統計データ科学事典」,朝倉書店,2007,586-589ページ。
- 『離散選択モデルとミクロ経済学』,広中平祐編,「現代数理科学事典(第2版)」,丸善,2009,522-526.
- 『回帰分析の基礎』,刈屋武昭他編,「経済時系列分析ハンドブック」,朝倉書店,2012,217-232.
論文 ○は査読付き学術誌に掲載されたもの。
- Nawata, K., "Estimation of Tobit Models When Micro-Survey Data is not Available," G.B. Alexander Foundation Working Paper, 1987, University of Chicago.
- Nawata, K., "Distribution-Free Estimation of Binary Choice Models," H.G.B. Alexander Foundation Working Paper, 1987, University of Chicago.
- Nawata, K., "Asymptotic Properties of Grouping Estimator for Binary Choice Models, " H.G.B. Alexander Foundation Working Paper, 1987, University of Chicago.
- Nawata, K., "Least Absolute Deviations Estimators in Transformation," H.G.B. Alexander Foundation Working Paper, 1988, University of Chicago.
- ○Nawata, K., "Semiparametric Estimation and Efficiency Bounds of Binary Choice Models When the Models Contain one Continuous Variable," Economics Letters, 1989, Vol. 31,21-26.
- Nawata, K., "Semiparametric Estimation of Binary Choice Models Based on Medians of the Grouped Data," Working Paper, 1989, Dept. of Social and International Relations, University of Tokyo.
- Nawata, K., "Estimation of Censored Regression Models Using Aggregated Data," Working Paper, 1989, Dept. of Social and International Relations, University of Tokyo.
- ○Nawata, K., "Robust Estimation Based on Grouped-Adjusted Data in Linear Regression Models," Journal of Econometrics, 1990, Vol. 43, 317-336.
- ○Nawata, K., "Robust Estimation Based on Grouped-Adjusted Data in Censored Regression Models," Journal of Econometrics, 1990, Vol. 43, 337-362.
- Nawata, K., "The Least Absolute Deviations Estimators in Generalized Regression Models," Working Paper, 1990, Dept. of Social and International Relations, University of Tokyo.
- Nawata, K., "Statistical Tests of Interdependence of the World Economy," 東京大学教養学部社会科学紀要, 1990, Vol.39, 235-242.
- ○縄田和満,「二値選択モデルにおけるセミパラメトリック法」, 日本統計学会誌, 1990,Vol.20, 277-302.
- 縄田和満,大野栄一「鉛蓄電池用鉛内需予測法の研究開発」,研究報告17, 1991, 日本メタル経済研究所.
- 縄田和満,「複数の予測値を統合した予測手法について- 鉛蓄電池用鉛内需量予測への応用- 」, 社会科学科紀要,1992, Vol.41,165-190.
- ○縄田和満,「トービット・モデルの最小絶対偏差法による推定について」, 日本統計学会誌, 1992, Vol. 20, 73-94.
- 縄田和満,「ト-ビット・モデルによる金融資産分析について」, フィナンシャル・レビュ-, June- 1992, 29-47.
- 縄田和満,「世界人口の増加の化石燃料,食料消費量への影響についての予測分析」, 社会科学科紀要,1993, Vol. 42, 19-58.
- ○Nawata, K., "A Note on Estimation of Models with Sample Selection Biases," Economic Letters, 1993, Vol. 42, 15-24.
- ○縄田和満,「タイプIIのトービット・モデルの推定について」, 日本統計学会誌, 1993, Vol. 23, 223-247.
- Nawata, K., “A Monte Carlo Comparison of the Maximum Likelihood Estimator and Heckman’s Two-Step Estimator in Models with Sample-Selection Biases,” Proceedings, International Congress on Modeling and Simulation, 1993, 2, 651-656.
- 縄田和満,「人口増加がもたらす影響にかんする分析モデルの開発について」, 社会科学紀要, 1994, Vol. 43, 21-133.
- ○Nawata, K., "Estimation of Sample Selection Bias Models by the Maximum Likelihood Estimator and Heckman's Two-Step Estimator," Economic Letters, 1994, Vol. 45, 33-40.
- ○Nawata, K., "Estimation of the Boundary of the Two Regions by the Grouping Method," Journal of the Japan Statistical Society, 1994, Vol. 24, 14-35.
- ○Nawata, K., "Notes on Estimation of the Tobit Models by Powell's Least Absolute Deviations Estimator," Economic Studies Quarterly, 1994, Vol. 45, Issue4, 339-346.
- ○Nawata, K., "Estimation of Sample-Selection Models by the Maximum Likelihood Method," Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 1995, Vol. 39, 299-303.
- Nawata, K., and M. McAleer, "Finite Sample Properties of the Tests for Models with Sample Selection Biases," Working Paper, Dept. of Social and International Relations, 1995, University of Tokyo.
- Nawata, K., “A Note on the Asymptotic Expansion of the T-Tests for Nonlinear Hypothesis Testing,” Proceedings, International Congress on Modeling and Simulation, 1995,4, 149-153.
- Nawata, K., "An Optimal Investment Schedule and Competitive Equilibrium Price of An Exhaustible Resource," 社会科学紀要, 1995, Vol. 44, 37-56.
- 縄田和満,「世界人口問題とサステイナビリティについて」,社会科学紀要, 1996, Vol.45, 35-75.
- ○Nawata, K., and Nagase N, "Estimation of Sample Selection Biases Models," Econometric Reviews, 1996, 15, 387-400.
- ○Nawata, K., "Estimation of generalised regression models by the grouping method," Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 1997, 43, 503-510.
- 縄田和満,「2050年までの世界人口の推移」,社会科学紀要, 1997, Vol. 46, 15-53.
- Nawata, K., and M. McAleer ,"Sizes and Powers of Tests for Models with Sample Selection Biases –A Monte Carlo Comparison-", Proceedings, International Congress on Modeling and Simulation, 1997, 3, 1333-1338.
- Nawata, K., " A Note on the Asymptotic Distribution of a Nonlinear Function of Estimators, " Working Paper, Working Paper, Dept. of Advanced Social and International Studies, 1997, University of Tokyo.
- 縄田和満,「人口問題―持続可能な社会構築のための前提条件―」,社会科学紀要, 1998, Vol. 47, 95-178.
- 嶋村宗正,縄田和満,「セダン型小型自動車における事故発生確率と事故要因の相関分析」,自動車技術会学術講演会前刷集982, 187-190.
- ○縄田和満,嶋村宗正「セダン型小型自動車の死亡事故発生要因のポアソン回帰による分析」,日本統計学会誌,1998, 28, 237-252.
- Nawata, K., “A Poisson Regression Model of Fatal Traffic Accidents Involving Small Passenger Sedans in Japan,” Proceedings, International Congress on Modeling and Simulation, 1999, 2, 465-470.
- 縄田和満,「1990年代の非鉄地金生産と価格の分析について」,第5回資源経済シンポジウム,資源開発最前線,2000,11-18.
- Nawata, K., “Estimation of the Female Labor Participation and Wage Equation Model by the Maximum Likelihood Method: An Empirical Example,” 2000.
- ○嶋村宗正,縄田和満,「交通事故マクロデータを用いた乗用車の死亡事故発生と車の使われ方に関する事故要因との相関分析」,自動車技術会論文集,2000,31,No.4,91-96.
- ○Nawata, K., and M. McAleer, “Size Characteristics of Tests for Sample Selection Bias: A Monte Carlo Comparison and Empirical Example,” Econometric Reviews, 2001, Vol. 20, 105-112.
- ○縄田和満,「1990年代のベースメタルの生産と価格の分析について」,資源と素材,2001,117,245-249.
- ○嶋村宗正,山崎稔,猿渡英敏,藪下正三,縄田和満,「普通自動車におけるSRSエアバッグ装備有無と運転者の損害について」,自動車技術会論文集,2001,32,No.4,127-132.
- ○縄田和満,井伊雅子「わが国における女性賃金水準の就業行動への影響の分析」,日本統計学会誌,2002,32, No.3, 279-290.
- 縄田和満,「多項プロビットモデルと順序プロビットモデルの関連に関する考察」,
- ○渡邉園子,縄田和満,新田章子,川渕孝一,「大腿骨頚部骨折治療における治療成果の分析」,医療と社会,2003, Vol.13, No.3, 87-101.
- ○大重賢治,井伊雅子,縄田和満,水嶋春朔,杤久保修,「横浜市における救急医療の需要分析」,公衆衛生学会誌 2003, 50, No. 4, 879-889.
- ○縄田和満,「タイプIのトービット・モデルとタイプIIのトービット・モデルの比較について -誤差項の分布が退化するモデルにおける推定と検定―」, 日本統計学会誌, 2003,Vol.33, No.3, 325-342.
- 久武昌人,縄田和満, 「我が国の海外直接投資の要因分析」, METI-RAD Working Paper Series, 2003,No. 003.
- ○Nawata, K., “Estimation of the Female Labor Supply Models by Heckman’s Two-Step Estimator and the Maximum Likelihood Estimator,” Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2004,Vol. 64, 385-392.
- ○Nawata, K., and M. Ii, “Estimation of Labor Participation and Wage Equation Model of the Japanese Married Female,” Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 2004, 18, 301-315. (巻頭論文)
- ○縄田和満,渡邉園子,新田章子,川渕孝一,「離散型比例ハザードモデル・順序プロビット・モデルによる大腿骨頚部骨折における在院日数と退院時歩行能力の分析」,医療と社会, 2005, 14, No.4, 99-116.
- Nawata, K., Niita, A., Watanabe, S,. and Kawabuchi, K., “An Analysis of the Length of Stay and the Effectiveness of Treatment for Hip Fractured Patients in Japan,” Proceedings, International Congress on Modelling and Simulation 2005, (MODSIM2005), 920-926.
- ○縄田和満,石黒彩,井伊雅子,川渕孝一「眼科手術における在院日数の離散型比例ハザード・モデルによる分析」, 医療経済研究,2006,Vol. 18, No.1, 41-56.
- ○縄田和満,新田章子,渡邉園子,川渕孝一,「同時方程式モデルによる大腿骨頚部骨折の入院日数と治療成果の分析」,日本統計学会誌, 2006, Vol. 35, No. 2, 125-142.
- ○Nawata, K., Niita, A., Watanabe,A., and Kawabuchi, K., “An Analysis of the Length of Stay and the Effectiveness of Treatment for Hip Fractured Patients in Japan: Evaluation of the Revision of the 2002 Medical Service Fee Schedule,” Journal of Health Economics, 2006,Vol. 25, No.4, 722-739.
- ○縄田和満,井伊雅子,石黒彩,川渕孝一,「水晶体の単眼・両眼手術における在院日数の分析」,医療と社会, 2006, 16, No. 2, 167-181.
- ○Nawata, K., “A Monte Carlo Analysis of the Type II Tobit Maximum Likelihood Estimator When the True Model is the Type I Tobit Model,” Economics Bulletin, 2007,Vol. 3, No. 54, 1-10.
- Nawata, K., Ii,M., Ishiguro,A., and Kawabuchi, K., “An Analysis of the Length of Hospital Stay for Cataract Patients in Japan,” Proceedings, International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, 2007 (MODSIM 2007), 1014-1020.
- ○Nawata, K., Niita,A., Watanabe,S., and Kawabuchi, K., “An Analysis of the Hip Fracture Treatments in Japan by the Discrete-Type Proportional Hazard and Ordered Probit Models,” Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2008, 78, No. 2&3,303–312.
- ○野尻智洋,佐藤 徹,縄田和満,「原油の供給障害リスクを考慮したメタンハイドレート開発の有効性評価」,エネルギー・資源,2008, 29, No.4, 24-28.
- ○縄田和満,井伊雅子,外山比南子, 高橋泰「白内障手術における DPCによる包括支払制度の評価」,医療と社会, 2008, 18, No.2, 229-242.
- ○松本章邦, 原尚幸, 縄田和満, 「原子力発電所内請負労働者の安全衛生教育訓練の評価」, 日本原子力学会和文論文誌, 2008,Vol. 7, No.4, 429-438.
- ○Nawata, K., Ii,M., Ishiguro,A., and Kawabuchi,,“An analysis of the length of hospital stay for cataract patients in Japan using the discrete-type proportional hazard model,” Mathematics and Computers in Simulation. 2009,Vol. 79, 2889-2896,
- ○Matsumoto, A., Hara,H., and Nawata,K., “Bayesian Estimation of the Asymmetric Employment Adjustment Model,” Journal of the Japan Statistical Society, 2009, 39, 29-47.
- ○Nawata, K., Ii,M., Toyama, H., and Takahashi, T.,“Evaluation of the Inclusive Payment System Based on the Diagnosis Procedure Combination with respect to Cataract Operations in Japan,” Health, Vol. 1, 2009,No.2, 93-103.
- Nawata, K., Ii,M., Toyama,H., and Takahashi,T., “An analysis of the new medical payment system in Japan,” Proceeding, International Congress on Modelling and Simulation ,2009(MODSIM 2009), 157-163.
- ○縄田和満,川渕孝一「尤度関数の近似を用いた新手法による在院日数の分析- DPCによる包括支払制度導入前後の白内障手術の在院日数分析への応用-」,医療経済研究, 2010,Vol.21, No.3, 291-303.
- ○縄田和満,川渕孝一「大規模個票データを使った白内障手術における在院日数の分析」,日本統計学会誌,2010,Vol.39,No.2,181-209.
- ○福田一徳・原 尚幸・縄田和満「中国の輸出政策の変更と希土類の価格変化の関係について」Journal of MMIJ,2010,Vol. 126, No.6, 172-183.
- ○松本章邦・原尚幸・野村和史・縄田和満,「Tobit 型モデルによる日降水量の統計的予測と降水デリバティブ評価への応用」,応用統計学誌,2010,Vol.39,No. 2&3, 41-58.
- ○Sawada, Y., Nawata,K., Ii,M., and M. J. Lee, "Did the Financial Crisis in Japan Affect Household Welfare Seriously?" Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 2011, 43, 297–324.
- ○杉浦大地,松本章邦,原尚幸,縄田和満「電力会社・ガス会社における気温リスクスワップの評価」,日本保険・年金リスク学会誌( Journal of the Japanese Association of Risk, Insurance and Pensions),2011, Vol. 5, No. 1, 29-58.
- 永瀬伸子・縄田和満・水落正明「労働力調査を用いた離職者の再就職行動に関する研究」, 総務省統計研修所,2011,Research Paper No. 24.
- Nawata, K. and Kawabuchi,K., “Evaluation of the DPC-based Inclusive Payment System in Japan for Cataract Operations,” Proceedings, International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, 2011(MODSIM 2011), 1317-1323, 2011.
- ○縄田和満,川渕孝一「べき乗変換モデルの不均一分散下での推定について-糖尿病の在院日数の分析への応用-」日本統計学会誌,2012,Vol. 41, No.2, 319-335.
- Nawata,K., and, Kawabuchi,K., "A New Model for Analyzing the Length of Hospital Stay: Evaluation of the DPC-based Inclusive Payment System in Japan for Cataract Operations", 関西計量経済学研究会(神戸大学)発表論文.
- ○Nawata K. and Kawabuchi,K., “Evaluation of the DPC-based inclusive payment system in Japan for cataract operations by a new model,” Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 2013, 93, 76–85.(Erratum, 2015, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 109, 212-214.)
- ○谷口和矢, 松本章邦, 縄田和満 「中国の資源輸出規制に関するWTO訴訟のアルミニウム・亜鉛価格への影響の計量分析」, Journal of MMIJ. 2013,Vol. 129, 642-649.
- Nawata, K. “Robust estimation based on the first- and third-moment restrictions of the power transformation model,” IPRC Working Paper ,2013, No. 8, University of Tokyo,
- Matsumoto A., Hara H. and Nawata, K. “An analysis of the safety and health conditions of contract workers in Japan’s nuclear utility industry -Can we keep the safety standard of the nuclear power plans? –,” IRPC Discussion Paper ,2013, No.9, Innovation Policy Research Center,University of Tokyo.
- Nawata, K. “A new estimator of the Box-Cox transformation model using moment conditions,” IPRC Working Paper, 2013, No. 6, University of Tokyo,
- ○Nawata, K. “A new estimator of the Box-Cox transformation model using moment conditions,” Economics Bulletin, 2013, Vol. 33, Issue 3, 2287-2297.
- Nawata, K. and Kawabuchi,K., “A new test for the power transformation model -An analysis of the length of the hospital stay for diabetes patients in Japan-” , IPRC Working Paper, 2013, No. 7, University of Tokyo,
- Nawata, K., “Robust estimation based on the first- and third-moment restrictions of the power transformation model,” IPRC Working Paper, 2013, No. 8, University of Tokyo,
- Matsumoto, A., Hara H, and Nawata,K., “Safety and Health of Contract Workers in Japan's Nuclear Utility Industry: Can we Maintain Safety Standards at Nuclear Power Plants,” IPRC Working Paper, 2013,No. 9, University of Tokyo,
- Nawata. K. and Kawabuchi,K., “Evaluation of the 2006 revision of the medical payment system in Japan by a new estimator of the power transformation model – An analysis of the length of the hospital stay for cataract operation,” Proceedings, Proceedings, International Congress on Modelling and Simulation , 2013(MODSIM 2013), 1277-1283, 2013.
- Nawata. K., “Robust estimation based on the first- and third-moment restrictions of the power transformation model,” Proceedings, International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, 2013 (MODSIM 2013), 1284-1290.
- ○縄田和満,川渕孝一「べき乗変換モデルによる2006年度診療報酬改定に伴うDPC見直しの白内障手術の在院日数への影響の分析」,医療経済研究, 2013, Vol. 25, No. 1, 18-32.
- ○Nawata, K. and Kawabuchi, K., ''A new test for the Box-Cox transformation model: An analysis of length of hospital stay for diabetes patients in Japan'', Economics Bulletin, 2014, Vol. 34 No. 1, 324-332.
- ○Nawata. K. and M. McAleer, “The maximum number of parameters for the Hausman test when the estimators are from different sets of equations,” Economics Letters. 2014, Vol. 123, No. 3, 291–294.
- Nawata,K., “A semiparametric estimator that requires neither specific distributions nor an i.i.d condition of the error terms and tests for the Box-Cox transformation model,” IPRC Working Paper ,2014,No. 13, University of Tokyo,
- Nawata, K. and Kawabuchi, K., “Evaluation of the 2006 revision of the medical payment system in Japan by the Box-Cox transformation model and the Hausman test -An analysis of the length of the hospital stay for cataract operations-“, IPRC Working Paper, 2014, No. 15, University of Tokyo, 2014.
- ○Matsumoto, A., Hara H, and Nawata,K., “Safety and Health of Contract Workers in Japan's Nuclear Utility Industry: Can we Maintain Safety Standards at Nuclear Power Plants,” Journal of Reviews on Global Economics, 2014, Vol. 3, 401-414.
- ○Nawata. K. and Kawabuchi, K.,“Evaluation of Length of Hospital Stay Joining Educational Programs for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients: Can We Control Medical Costs in Japan?” Health, 2015, 7, 256-269.
- ○Nawata, K. “Robust estimation based on the third-moment restriction of the error terms for the Box-Cox transformation model: An estimator consistent under heteroscedasticity,” Economics Bulletin, 2015, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1056 -1064.
- ○Nawata. K. and Kawabuchi, K.,“Financial Sustainability of the Japanese Medical Payment System: Analysis of the Japanese Medical Expenditure for Educational Hospitalization of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes,” 2015, Health, Health, 2015, 7, 1007-1021.
- ○Nawata K. and Kawabuchi,K., “An econometric analysis of hospital length of stay for cataract operations in Japan by the Box-Cox transformation model and Hausman tests: Evaluation of the 2010 revision of the medical payment system,” Open Journal of Applied Science, 2015, 5, No.9, 559-570.
- ○Nawata,K., “Is Japanese medical system sustainable?,” Journal of Health & Medical Economics, 2015,Vol.1, No1:3.
- Nawata. K. and Kawabuchi,K., “Evaluation of financial sustainability of the Japanese medical system: Analysis of the length of hospital stay for diabetes patients,” Proceedings, International Congress on Modelling and Simulation ,2015(MODSIM 2015), 8-14.
- ○Nawata K. and Kawabuchi,K., ”Comparison of the length of stay and medical expenditures among Japanese hospitals for type 2 diabetes treatments: The Box-Cox transformation model under heteroscedasticity,” Health, 2016, 8, 49-63.
- ○Nawata K. and Kawabuchi,K., “Did the revision of the Japanese medical payment system work properly? - An analysis of averages and variances of length of hospital stay for type 2 diabetes patients by individual hospital,” Health, 2016,8, 505-517.
- ○Nawata K. and Kawabuchi,K., “A long term evaluation of the Japanese medical payment system for cataract surgeries: Did the medical policy reduce the long hospital stay in Japan?” Health, 2016, 8, 905-919.
- ○Nawata, K., “Asymptotic efficiency of the maximum likelihood estimator for the Box-Cox transformation model with heteroscedastic disturbances,” Open Journal of Statistics,2016, 6, 835-841.
- ○Nawata, K., Matsumoto,A., Kajihara,R., and Kimura,M., “Evaluation of the distribution of and factors affecting blood pressure using medical checkup data in Japan.” Health, 2017, 9, 124-137.
- ○Nawata, K. and Kimura,M., “Reliability of blood pressure measurements: An analysis of the white coat effect and its fluctuations,” Health, 2017, 9, 506-519.
- ○Nawata, K. and Kimura, M., “An analysis of the medical costs of and factors affecting diabetes using the medical checkup and payment dataset in Japan: Can we reduce the prevalence of diabetes?,” Health,2017, 9, 1113-1127.
- ○Nawata, K. and Kimura,M., “Evaluation of medical costs of kidney diseases and risk factors in Japan,” Health, 2017, 9, 1734-1749.
- ○Zhang J. and Nawata, K., “ A comparative study on predicting influenza outbreaks,” BioScience Trends. 2017; 11(5):533-541.
- ○Nawata, K., Sekizawa, Y., and Kimura,M., “Evaluation of blood pressure control medicines using health and medical checkup data in Japan: Alternative methods for randomized controlled trials,” Health, 2018,10, 587-603.
- ○Zhang J. and Nawata, K., “Multi-step prediction for influenza outbreak by an adjusted long short-term memory,” Epidemiology & Infection,2018, 146, 809-816.
- ○Nawata, K. and Kimura, M., “Does high systolic blood pressure truly increase medical expenditure? An empirical analysis of the new 2017 ACC/AHA hypertension guideline,” Health, 2018, 10, 1044-1065.
- ○Nawata K, and Kimura,M., “Empirical studies of effects of high blood pressure on medical costs and heart disease: Is the 2017 ACC/AHA guideline supported by enough evidence?” Health, 2018, 10, 1498-1519.
- 縄田和満、森野雄貴、木村もりよ 「power transformation tobit model による健康診断・レセプトデータを使った医療費と生活習慣病の関連の分析」, 独立行政法人経済産業研究所 (RIETI)デスカッション・ペーパー, 2019, Series 19-J-025.
- 縄田和満、松本章邦、木村もりよ「健康診断・レセプトデータを用いた血圧と医療費の関連に関する分析」独立行政法人経済産業研究所 (RIETI)デスカッション・ペーパー, デスカッション・ペーパー, 2019, Series 19-J-031.
- ○Kao Y.S., Nawata, K., and C. Y. Huang, “An Exploration and Confirmation of the Factors Influencing Adoption of IoT-Based Wearable Fitness Trackers,” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2019, 16(18), 3227;
- ○Kao Y.S., Nawata, K., and C. Y. Huang, “Systemic Functions Evaluation based Technological Innovation System for the Sustainability of IoT in the Manufacturing Industry,” Sustainability, 2019, 11, 2342.
- ○Nawata, K., Sugano, H., and Kimura, M., “An analysis of the effects of blood pressure and antihypertensive drugs on heart disease,” Health, 2019, 11, 792-816
- ○He H. and K. Nawata (2019) “Ad-TSNE: Visualizing High Dimensional Data Based On Adversarial Neural Networks,” International Core Journal of Engineering, 2019, 5, 42-51.
- ○ He H. and K. Nawata (2019), “Probabilistic Regression and Missing Values Compensation for P2P Lending,” (EDMI 2019), Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, 91, 571-575.
- ○Kao Y.S., Nawata, K., and C. Y. Huang “Evaluating the Performance of Systemic Innovation Problems of the IoT in Manufacturing Industries by Novel MCDM Methods,” Sustainability 2019, 11(18), 4970
- ○Nawata, K. (2022) “Heart Diseases, Hypertension and Effects of Antihypertensive Medications: Is Hypertension a True Risk Factor of Heart Diseases?” Frontiers in Public Health, doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.929840