- 2019.11.06
- [Report] The 42nd regular seminar : Yasushi Hara, Hitotsubashi University, ”Drug Discovery in Japan – Investigating the Sources of Innovation.”
- 2019.11.01
- [Report] The 43rd regular seminar : Hongming Wang, Hitotsubashi University, ”Expanding health insurance with mandate and subsidy: theory and evidence from Massachusetts”
- 2019.10.15
- Dr. Ryota Nakamura and Dr. Yao Ying, HIAS Health Researcher, are invited to to join in a policy symposium and workshop on “Vaccinology for Clinical and Public Health Practice” in India on 18-21 November 2019.
- 2019.10.15
- Dr. Ryota Nakamura, HIAS Health Researcher, will participate in Workshop and Symposium:Introduction to Health Technology Assessment.
- 2019.10.15
- New book co-authored by Dr. Ryota Nakamura will be launched online on the 12th of December 2019
- 2019.10.03
- [Report] The 40th regular seminar : Masaki Takahashi, Hitotsubashi University, ”The Behavioral Effect of Insurance Coverage and Its Health Consequences: Evidence from Long-Term Care.”
- 2019.09.06
- [Report] HIAS Health hosted the “2019 Singapore-Japan Academic Forum on Ageing”, co-organized with Singapore Management University
- 2019.08.20
- HIAS Health researchers, Ryota Nakamura and Thomas Rouyard, participated in the 2nd Advisory Committee Meeting of the Southeast Asia Partnership for Policy and Health Intervention Research and Evaluation (SAPPHIRE)
- 2019.08.20
- HIAS Health researchers, Ryota Nakamura and Ying Yao, visited Bhutan as members of an investigation committee of JICA
- 2019.07.24
- [Open position] Assistant Professor or Research Associate (closing date; Monday 2nd September 2019 (JST))