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[Report] The 65th regular seminar: Dr. Matthew Robson, Erasmus School of Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam, “Estimating Health Equity Weights Across Multiple Domains”
SAPPHIRE Newsletter Issue 2 has been issued.
[Report] The 64th regular seminar: Dr. Kazumitsu Nawata, HIAS, Hitotsubashi University, “An Analysis of Health Factors Affecting Employees’ Absenteeism; and Risk factors for heart, cerebrovascular, and kidney diseases”
[Report] The 62nd regular seminar: Hiroki Kato, Postdoctoral Researcher, HIAS, Hitotsubashi University, “Mailing Vaccination Ticket: A Regression Discontinuity Analysis On Rubella Antibody Testing and Vaccination”
[Report] The 63rd regular seminar: Dr. Alex Cook, NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, “Academic-government collaboration in public health: with case studies in modelling and responding to COVID-19 in Singapore”
Public Policy Review Vol. 19, no. 1 has been published.
[Report] The 61st regular seminar: Dr. Wanrudee Isaranuwatchai,Health Intervention and Technology Assessment Program (HITAP), Ministry of Public Health of Thailand,”Health technology assessment and health system research in Thailand : the case of Evusheld and high-cost users”
[Report] The 60th regular seminar: Dr. Ray Duch, Centre for Experimental Social Sciences, Nuffield College, University of Oxford “Cash for COVID-19 Vaccines? The Ghana Financial Incentives Trial”
[Report] The 59th regular seminar: Dr. Kazumitsu Nawata, HIAS, Hitotsubashi University, “Heart Diseases, Hypertension and Effects of Antihypertensive Medications: Is Hypertension a True Risk Factor of Heart Diseases?”
[Open position] Assistant Professor or Research Associate (closing date; Wednesday 30th November 2022 (JST))