- 2021.03.26
- [Report] The 50th regular seminar : Hongming Wang, Hitotsubashi University, “Covid-19 vaccine prioritization in Japan”
- 2021.03.02
- [Report] The 49th regular seminar : Diasuke Moriwaki,AI Lab,”Nudging Preventive Behaviors in COVID-19 Crisis: A Large Scale RCT using Smartphone Advertising”
- 2021.02.18
- [Report] The 48th regular seminar : Peter Eibich, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, “Care or self-care? The impact of informal care provision on health behaviour”
- 2021.02.02
- Short Course organized by National University of Singapore “Introduction to Health Technology and Assessment” will be held 9-12 March.
- 2021.02.02
- Dr. Shamima Akter, Assistant Professor (Specially Appointed) of Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study (HIAS), has newly joined our center.
- 2020.12.10
- Asia-HTA Consortium “SAPPHIRE”‘s newsletter “In Touch, In Tune” has been issued.
- 2020.11.05
- [Report] The 47th regular seminar : Eiji Mangyo, Nagoya University, “Relative Deprivation and Health: Re-examination and its Mechanisms”
- 2020.09.24
- [Report] The 46th regular seminar : Khin Thet Swe, Hitotsubashi University, “Impact of poverty reduction on access to water and sanitation in low- and lower-middle income countries: country specific projection to 2030”
- 2020.09.02
- Prof. Takashi Oshio was appointed as the Chairperson of Central Social Insurance Medical Council of the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare in April, 2020.
- 2020.09.01
- *DEADLINE EXTENDED*[Open position] Assistant Professor or Research Associate (closing date; Friday 30th October 2020 (17:00 JST))