- 2017.06.01
- Dr. Ying YAO, a Postdoctoral Researcher of Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study (HIAS), has newly joined the center.
- 2017.05.25
- [Report] The 10th regular seminar: Roy Thurik, Erasmus University, the Netherlands/Kansai University, Japan, “Genes and entrepreneurship: a discovery in the world of behavior and biology”
- 2017.05.22
- Hitotsubashi University and Singapore Management University (SMU) held a Webinar
- 2017.05.17
- [Report] Hitotsubashi University Health Economics Short Course “Economic Evaluation of Healthcare Technology: Using Cost-Effectiveness Analysis”
- 2017.05.17
- [Report] Hitotsubashi University Health Economics Symposium “Health Economics and Health Policy”
- 2017.04.21
- Participated in 6th HTAsiaLink Annual Conference
- 2017.04.04
- Eight researchers are newly appointed as the adjunct researchers of the center.
- 2017.03.07
- [Report] The 9th regular seminar: Kyunghee Lee, Michigan State University, USA, “Impact of Head Start Quality on Low Income Children in US”
- 2017.02.15
- [Report] The 6th regular seminar: Nazmi Sari, Univ. of Saskatchewan, Canada, “Physical activity and health outcomes: Evidence from Canadian population surveys”
- 2017.01.04
- Ms. URAI from HITAP, Thailand, visited the center on Dec. 27, 2016 .