- 2019.03.28
- [Report] The 37th Regular Seminar/Hitotsubashi International Seminar:Jongsay Yong, University of Melbourne, Australia, “the effects of socioeconomic status on hospital utilization and adverse events.”
- 2019.03.14
- Dr. Ryota Nakamura, HIAS Health Researcher, participated in the 5th AfHEA Biennial Scientific Conference (AfHEA2019)
- 2019.03.07
- [Report] The 36th Regular Seminar/Hitotsubashi International Seminar:Soonman Kwon, SNU, South Korea, “Health Financing for Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in Low-Income Countries”
- 2019.03.04
- In WONCA Asia Pacific Regional Conference 2019, three HIAS Health member researchers, Prof. Masako Ii, Prof. Ryota Nakamura and Prof. Michiko Moriyama, are going to chair the sessions
- 2019.02.06
- Dr. Ryota Nakamura, HIAS Health Researcher, participated in the Prince Mahidol Award Conference 2019 (PMAC 2019)
- 2018.12.15
- Project to evaluate the impact of Japan’s assistance activities to promote Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in the Republic of Senegal: Household Survey
- 2018.12.10
- [Report] The first Health Economics Short Course of Hitotsubashi Professional Education Program in Health Economics (Nov. 9, 10-11, 17-18, 2018)
- 2018.11.30
- [Report] The 34th Regular Seminar/Hitotsubashi University International Seminar:Guanghua Wan, Fudan University, P.R. China, “The impacts of income polarization on health and crimes in China”
- 2018.10.17
- [Open position]Postdoctoral Researcher
- 2018.10.11
- [Report] The 33rd Regular Seminar/Hitotsubashi University International Seminar:Han Bleichrodt, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands, “Ambiguity preferences for health”