HIAS Health hosted the 2019 Singapore-Japan Academic Forum on Ageing on August 28th and 29th, 2019. This event, co-organized with the Centre for Research on the Economics of Ageing (CREA), Singapore Management University (SMU), fell within the long-term partnership between Hitotsubashi University and SMU. It followed on from the 2018 Japan-Singapore Academic Forum and Policy Roundtable, which was held in Singapore on August 29th and 30th, 2018.
Opened by the President of Hitotsubashi University, Koichi Tadenuma, and the Director of SMU International Office, Matthew Lee, the two-day forum gathered researchers from HIAS Health, CREA, and several other Japanese research institutes. Research projects related to health and labor issues in these two ageing societies, involving the use of national panel datasets, were presented.
Following the general introduction by the director of HIAS Health, Prof. Motohiro Sato, a presentation of the two national datasets opened the academic discussions. For Japan, Mitsuhide Hoshino, Director of Research at RIETI (Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry), introduced the JSTAR (Japanese Study of Ageing and Retirement), which is a survey on people over 50 conducted from 2007 onwards by RIETI, Hitotsubashi University, and the University of Tokyo. For Singapore, Prof. Bryce Hool, Director of CREA, introduced the SLP (Singapore Life Panel), which is a large-scale survey of more than 10,000 people aged 50 -70 conducted by CREA.
Motohiro Sato, Director, HIAS Health, Hitotsubashi University | Mitsuhide Hoshino, Director of Research, RIETI | Bryce Hool, Director, CREA, SMU |
In total, 10 research projects were presented and followed by active discussions during the two days. Projects involving the analysis of other panel datasets such as the Longitudinal Survey of Middle-Aged and Elderly Persons (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, Japan) and JPSC (Japanese Panel Survey of Consumers, Keio University) were also presented on this occasion.
To see the speakers and the presentation titles, please refer to the program. <Program PDF download >
Emiko Usui, Hitotsubashi University | From left, XinXin Ma (University of Toyama), Emiko Usui (Hitotsubashi University) and Jessica Ya Sun (SMU) | Takashi Oshio, Hitotsubashi University <HIAS Health Researcher> |
The 2019 Singapore-Japan Academic Forum on Ageing closed with SMU and Hitotsubashi University reiterating their willingness to pursue their successful research collaboration and to strengthen their partnership in the long run.
The collaboration between Hitotsubashi University and SMU falls under the umbrella of SIGMA (Societal Impact and Global Management Alliance), an international partnership between 9 institutions with highly competitive business administration faculties/MBA courses and research and education capabilities in social sciences. The alliance includes: Hitotsubashi University (Japan), Singapore Management University (Singapore), the University of St. Gallen (Switzerland), Copenhagen Business School (Denmark), Vienna University of Economics and Business (Austria), Paris Dauphine University (France), ESADE Business School (Spain), Fundação Getulio Vargas (Brazil), and Renmin University of China (People’s Republic of China).
Related Links
Program of Singapore-Japan Academic Forum on Ageing, 2019 <PDF download >
Reports of 2018 Forum
[Report] HIAS Health co-organized “Japan-Singapore Academic Forum and Policy Roundtable” with Singapore Management University
Event Summary Japan-Singapore Academic Forum and Policy Roundtable <External link>
About Panel Data
JSTAR (Japanese Study of Aging and Retirement) <External link>
Singapore Life Panel <External link>
Longitudinal Survey of Middle-Aged and Elderly Persons <External link>
Japanese Panel Survey of Consumers (JPSC) <External link>