2017年12月20日(水)、英国ヨーク大学よりDr. Andrew Mirelman、Research Fellow, Center for Health Economics、を講師としてお招きし、定例研究会を開催しました。
Dr. Mirelmanは、センター研究員の一人である本学社会科学高等研究院の中村良太准教授(センター研究員)と共同で進めている食品への課税政策がおよぼす健康行動の変化に関する研究、具体的にはチリにおける砂糖税の導入による行動変容について、その他、健康の社会的平等性を取り入れた政策評価の手法についての研究の最新の成果をもとに発表を行いました。
Dr. Andrew Milelmanを紹介する中村良太センター研究員(社会科学高等研究院准教授)

質問に答えるDr. Andrew Mirelman



日時2017年12月20日(水) 18:00-19:30
会場西キャンパス 第2研究館 5階 HIASセミナー室(517号室)
報告者Dr. Andrew Mirelman, Research Fellow, Center for Health Economics, University of York, UK
タイトル「Accounting for equity in the assessment of fiscal policies for health」
Andrew is a Research Fellow in the Global Health Economics team. He joined the Centre in the summer of 2014 and has a BSc in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Virginia, an MPH from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (JHSPH) and a PhD in the Health Systems within the Department of International Health at JHSPH. His PhD dissertation is titled: “The Economics of Non-Communicable Diseases in Rural Bangladesh” and explores health inequalities and the economic impacts from non-communicable disease in a rural adult population.
Andrew’s work focuses on health systems and economic issues in low and middle-income countries. He has worked in Bangladesh, Peru and China on non-communicable diseases and has a particular interest in population and burden modelling as well as economic evaluation of preventive interventions. Additionally, he has also been a part of the Decade of Vaccines economics working group through Johns Hopkins’ International Vaccine Access Center (IVAC) and has contributed to work on valuing the benefits of childhood immunization in low and middle-income countries.