- 2017.10.16
- 【Cancelled】 The 16th regular seminar : Guanghua Wan, Asian Development Bank (ADB), “Income Distribution and NCDs: Empirical Evidence from China.”
- 2017.08.31
- HIAS Seminar/The 13th regular seminar : Alisa Dicaprio, Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI), “Will blockchain change healthcare? Use cases, time horizon, and current state of the technology”
- 2017.06.28
- The 11th regular seminar : Ying YAO, Hitotsubashi University, “Price Offers of Pharmaceutical Procurement in China: Evidence from Guangdong Province”
- 2017.05.24
- The 10th regular seminar : Roy Thurik, Erasmus University, the Netherlands/Kansai University, Japan, “Genes and entrepreneurship: a discovery in the world of behavior and biology”
- 2017.04.27
- Hitotsubashi University, Health Economics Short Course "Economic Evaluation of Healthcare Technology"
- 2017.04.26
- Hitotsubashi University, Health Economics Symposium "Health Economics and Health Policy
- 2017.03.06
- The 9th regular seminar : Kyunghee Lee, Michigan State University, USA, “Impact of Head Start Quality on Low Income Children in US”
- 2017.02.14
- 【New】 The 6th regular seminar : Nazmi Sari, Univeristy of Saskatchewan, Canada, “Physical activity and health outcomes: Evidence from Canadian population surveys”
- 2017.01.25
- 【Canceled】 The 6th regular seminar
- 2016.09.30
- The 4th regular seminar : Ryota Nakamura, University of York, UK, "Impact of a `choice architecture’ on medical prescription in Japanese national health insurance system"