2019年3月27日(水)にオーストラリアのメルボルン大学よりProf. Jongsay Yongを講師にお招きして第37回定例研究会を開催いたします。
日時2019年3月27日(水) 16:30-18:00
会場西キャンパス 第2研究館 5階 HIASセミナー室(517号室)
報告者Prof. Jongsay Yong, University of Melbourne, Australia
タイトルThe effects of socioeconomic status on hospital utilization and adverse events.
Jongsay Yong is Principal Research Fellow in the Health Economics research program of the Melbourne Institute. He joined the Melbourne Institute in 2002, after spending several years as lecturer and later senior lecturer at the National University of Singapore. His main research interests are in applied areas of industrial economics and health economics. His recent research focuses on measuring hospital performance and quality using patient-level data, and firm productivity analyses using firm-level data.