

Mizanur Rahman /< 研究者一覧へ戻る

一橋大学社会科学高等研究院(HIAS) 准教授


2005年にバングラデシュのUniversity of RajshahiにてMS(Population Science)、2013年に東京大学大学院医学系研究科Global Health Policy教室にてPH.D(Global Health)を取得後、東京大学に助教として在籍。2021年4月より一橋社会科学高等研究院 医療政策・経済研究センターに着任。ユニバーサル・ヘルス・カバレッジ (UHC)、保健関連のSDG指標、保健医療に係る財政および政策評価、健康格差、母子保健やグローバル・ヘルスに関連したシステマティック・レビュー及びメタアナリシスなどを専門とし、The Lancetを含む著名な学術誌に論文を投稿、掲載。最近は、公衆衛生や母子保健、医療財政のリスク管理、政策立案に対するより革新的なアプローチについて研究している。



    • Rahman MM, de Silva, Sassa M, Islam, MR, Hossain F, Akter S. A systematic analysis and future projections of the nutritional status and interpretation of its drivers among school aged children in South-East Asian countries, The Lancet Regional Health – Southeast Asia, 2023; 16: 100244.
    • Rahman MM, Rouyard T, Khan ST, Nakamura R, Islam MR, Hossain MS, Akter S, Lohan M, Ali, M, Sato M. Reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health intervention coverage in 70 LMICs, 2000-2030: Trends, Projections and Inequities. The Lancet Global Health, 2023, 11(10): e1531-e1543.
    • Rosenberg M, Kowal P, Rahman MM, Okamoto S, Barber SL, Tangcharoensathien Better data on unmet health care need can strengthen global monitoring of universal health coverage, British Medical Journal (BMJ). September 4, 2023.
    • Rahman MM, Rosenberg M, Flores G, Parsell, Akter S, Alam MM, Rahman MM, Tessa Edejer. A systematic review and meta-analysis of unmet needs for healthcare and long-term care among older people. Health Economics Review, 2022, 12:16.
    • Rahman MM, Jung J, Islam MR, Rahman MM, Nakamura R, Akter S, Sato M. Global, regional, and national progress in financial risk protection towards universal health coverage, 2000–2030. Soc Sci Med. 2022,312:115367.
    • Rahman MM, Taniguchi H, Nsashiyi RS, Islam R, Mahmud SR, Rahman S, Jung J, Khan S. Trend and projection of skilled birth attendants and institutional delivery coverage for adolescents in 54 low-and middle-income countries, 2000–2030. BMC Medicine. 2022 Dec;20(1):46.
    • Rahman MM, Islam MR, Rahman MD, et al. Forgone healthcare and financial burden due to out-of-pocket payments in Bangladesh. Health Economics Review. 2022 January 10; 12:5.
    • Taniguchi H, Rahman MM, Alam A, Swe KT, Hashizume M. Trends and projections of universal health coverage indicators in Iraq, 2000-2030: A national and subnational study. Soc Sci Med. 2021 Feb; 270: 113630.
    • Rahman MM, Jung J, Rahman MS, Swe KT, Islam MR, Rahman MO, Akter S. Effects of maternal haemoglobin levels on mother and child health: systematic review and meta-analysis. Ann NY Acad Sci, 2019: 69-82.
    • Rahman SM, Rahman MM, Gilmour S, Abe SK, Shibuya K. Trends in, and projections of, indicators of universal health coverage in Bangladesh, 1995–2030: a Bayesian analysis of population-based household data. Lancet Glob Health, 2018, 6(1): e84-e94.
    • Han SM, Rahman MM, Rahman SM, Swe KT, Palmer M, Shibuya K. Progress towards universal health coverage in Myanmar: a national and subnational assessment. Lancet Glob Health, 2018, 6(9): e989-e997.
    • Rahman MM, Parsons A, Rahman MS, Karan A, Abe SK, Bilano, Awan R, Gilmour S, Shibuya K. Progress towards universal health coverage: a comparative analysis in five South Asian countries. JAMA Intern Med. 2017 177(9): 1297-1305.
    • Nomura S, Sakamoto H, Gleen S, Tsugawa Y, Abe SK, Rahman MM, Brown JC, Ezoe et al. Population health and regional variations of disease burden in Japan, 1990–2015: a systematic subnational analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. The Lancet 2017; 390: 1521-1538.
    • Rahman MM, Gilmour S, Abe SK et al. Maternal anaemia and risk of adverse birth and health outcomes: systematic review and meta-analysis. Am J Clin Nutr. 2016; 103(2): 495-504.
    • Rahman MM, Gilmour S, Abe SK et al. Maternal body mass index and risk of birth and maternal health outcomes in low-and middle-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Obes Rev. 2015; 16(9): 758-70. IF (7.883)
    • Rahman MM, Gilmour S, Akter S, Abe SK, Saito E, Shibuya K. Prevalence and control of hypertension in Bangladesh: a multilevel analysis of a nationwide population-based survey. J Hypertens. 2015; 33(3):465-72. IF (5.062)
    • Rahman MM. Health in Bangladesh: lessons and challenges. Lancet. 2014. 383:1037. (IF (45.217)
    • Rahman MM, Gilmour S. Prevention and control of hypertension in different countries. JAMA. 2014; 311(4): 418-419. IF (35.289)
    • Rahman MM, Gilmour S, Saito E, Sultana P, Shibuya K. Self-reported illness and healthcare payment coping strategies in Bangladesh. Bull World Health Organ. 2013;91: 449–458. IF (5.112)


        • Global monitoring report on financial protection in health 2021. Geneva: World Health Organization and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 2021. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.
        • Sakamoto H, Rahman MM, Nomura S, Shibuya K. Japan Health System Review. Vol.8 No. 1. New Delhi: World Health Organization, Regional Office for South-East Asia, 2018.

研究業績・経歴詳細(一橋大学 研究者情報)