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[Report] The 30th regular seminar : Makoto TOBE, JICA, “Enabling pregnant women in rural mountainous areas of the Philippines to deliver babies at health facilities without suffering financial hardship — Cooperation for attaining Universal Health Coverage (UHC) by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)”
International press feature Dr. Ryota NAKAMURA’s recent study.
[Report]The 29th regular seminar/Public Economics Workshop:Reo TAKAKU, Institute for Health Economics and Policy, “Detecting Waste in Health Care *via* Hospital Sorting”
[Report]The 28th regular seminar/Public Economics Workshop:Shinya SUGAWARA, Tokyo University of Science, ”Pay-for-Performance and Selective Referral in Long-Term Care (joint with Toshiaki Iizuka and Haruko Noguchi)”
[Report] The 27th regular seminar : Tamahi KATO (YAMAUCHI), Hitotsubashi University, “Monitoring governance, management and operational capacity of mutual health organizations in three regions of Senegal: Findings from the 2017 Survey”
HIAS Health newly appointed Makoto TOBE, Senior Advisor (health financing / health systems), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), as an adjunct researcher.
HIAS Health newly appointed Yoshihiro KANEKO, Professor, Faculty of Social Welfare, Japan College of Social Work, as an adjunct researcher.
Three researchers of HIAS Health participated in 7th HTAsiaLink Annual Conference, Chiang Mai, Thailand
[Report] The 26th regular seminar/Hitotsubashi University International Seminar: Niels-Hugo Blunch, Washington and Lee University, USA, “Unintended Consequences: Program Evaluation and The World Bank Vs. Adult Literacy Programs and Child Mortality”
An intensive short course of Health Economics for professionals will be offered in November (lectures will be in Japanese).