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[Report] The 27th regular seminar : Tamahi KATO (YAMAUCHI), Hitotsubashi University, “Monitoring governance, management and operational capacity of mutual health organizations in three regions of Senegal: Findings from the 2017 Survey”
HIAS Health newly appointed Makoto TOBE, Senior Advisor (health financing / health systems), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), as an adjunct researcher.
HIAS Health newly appointed Yoshihiro KANEKO, Professor, Faculty of Social Welfare, Japan College of Social Work, as an adjunct researcher.
Three researchers of HIAS Health participated in 7th HTAsiaLink Annual Conference, Chiang Mai, Thailand
[Report] The 26th regular seminar/Hitotsubashi University International Seminar: Niels-Hugo Blunch, Washington and Lee University, USA, “Unintended Consequences: Program Evaluation and The World Bank Vs. Adult Literacy Programs and Child Mortality”
An intensive short course of Health Economics for professionals will be offered in November (lectures will be in Japanese).
[Report] The 25th regular seminar/Hitotsubashi University International Seminar: Aki Tsuchiya, The University of Sheffield, “Comparing inequality and risk aversion in social welfare for health and income: an empirical analysis using hypothetical scenarios with losses”
On April 9th, HIAS Health was approved as an institutional member of HTAsiaLink, a network to support collaboration between Asian health technology assessment (HTA) agencies.
“The Impact Evaluation of the Universal Health Coverage Project” in the Republic of Senegal is selected for the Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) for fiscal 2018.
The pamphlet of “the Health Economics Program” has been revised.