Welcoming Dr. Maria Lohan, HIAS, Hitotsubashi University, HIAS Health held its 74th regular seminar on 19 December, 2024.
The presentation, "How to conduct a research priority exercise using a CHNRI methodology? Two examples of research priority setting exercises conducted for the World Health Organization" was received with positive feedback from all who attended.
SpeakerMeeting (in-person)Meeting (in-person)
Date & timeDecember 19 (Thu), 2024 12:30-13:30
VenueHybrid (HIAS Seminar Room (Annex , Room 205), Kunitachi West Campus, Hitotsubashi University / Online via Zoom)
SpeakerMaria Lohan (UNESCO Chair on Masculinities & Gender Equality, Queen's University Belfast, Specially Appointed Professor at HIAS)
Title"How to conduct a research priority exercise using a CHNRI methodology? Two examples of research priority setting exercises conducted for the World Health Organization"