The Advisory Committee Meeting, which was held online, reflected on accomplishments of the consortium from the last three years and discussed future projects and collaborations. HIAS health will continue to contribute to SAPPHIRE through its current projects in Senegal and Bhutan which are joint research projects with the Japanese International Cooperation Agency - JICA. Our involvement in this consortium is supported by the JSPS Core-to-Core Program.
See also: SAPPHIRE website
- SAPPHIRE aims to provide health, policy, and economic support to governments of low- and middle-income countries in order to foster adoption of evidence-based and efficient healthcare decisions. It was established in 2019 under the International Decision Support Initiative (iDSI) and its members are the Thai National Health Foundation (NHF); the Health Intervention and Technology Assessment Program (HITAP), Thailand; the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of Singapore; Mahidol Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit(MORU); and HIAS Health, Hitotsubashi University.