In WONCA Asia Pacific Regional Conference 2019 which will be held in Kyoto, Japan from May 15 to 18, 2019, a HIAS Health adjunct researcher, Prof. Michiko Moriyama (Professor, Graduate School of Biomedical & Health Sciences, Hiroshima University) will chair the Plenary Session 1 “Elderly Care - Primary health care for the elderly in community settings” on Thursday 16, May. And two HIAS Health researchers, Prof. Masako Ii (Professor, Graduate school of Economics, Hitotsubashi University) and Dr. Ryota Nakamura (Associate Professor, Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study, Hitotsubashi University) will co-chair the Plenary Session 5 “Cost-effectiveness - How to tackle NCDs in the era of tightening budget constraints: expert opinions” on Friday 17, May.
Also, Prof. Ii will participate in Plenary Session 6 “Research - Scaling-up regional comparative outcome studies on countriesʼ health systems and primary care status” on 17 May as a speaker.
For detail information, please visit the conference web site. <external link>

WONCA - Global Family Doctor
The World Organization of National Colleges, Academies and Academic Associations of General Practitioners/Family Physicians.
WONCA's short name is World Organization of Family Doctors.