Advanced Professional Education Program Intended for Graduate Students of the Masters Programs and the Professional School Programs of Hitotsubashi University
The Health Economics Program is one of the Advanced Professional Education Programs provided by Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of Economics to develop professionals with advanced knowledge and capabilities. Students who have fulfilled the requirements for completion will be granted a certificate of completion of the program upon conclusion of coursework.
The Health Economics Program provides an interdisciplinary curriculum including courses not only in economics but also management, sociology, medicine, technology and other subjects. Some of the courses are taught by the faculty of Tokyo Medical and Dental University and Tokyo Institute of Technology. Systematic professional education based on theory and practice is provided to cultivate academic knowledge of the healthcare-related social sciences and an understanding of medical settings as well as the ability to develop a vision for a sustainable society from a broad perspective.
It is hoped that students aspiring to become professionals in healthcare-related fields such as policy-making at government institutions and problem-solving in medical settings as well as students who are members of society working at medical or nursing care institutions, pharmaceutical companies, medical device manufacturers, government offices, local governments or in other fields related to healthcare and social welfare will join the program.
- Characteristics
- ・The program will develop highly specialized human resources with academic knowledge of healthcare-related social sciences and the ability to develop a vision for a sustainable society from a broad perspective.
・It consists of an interdisciplinary curriculum including courses in not only economics but also management, sociology, medicine, technology and other subjects.
・Not only students of the Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of Economics but also of the Graduate School of Commerce and Management, the Graduate School of Social Sciences and the School of International and Public Policy (Professional Graduate School) may enroll in the program.
・Courses and faculty are also provided by Tokyo Medical and Dental University and Tokyo Institute of Technology under the framework of the Tokyo Consortium of Four Universities,* of which Hitotsubashi University is a member.
・This program is also included in the Master’s Program of Tokyo Medical and Dental University. It provides an environment in which students from diverse backgrounds can inspire each other to aim high.
- * The Tokyo Consortium of Four Universities is comprised of Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, and Tokyo Institute of Technology, and Hitotsubashi University.
- Inquiry
- Please contact the administrative office of Faculty of Economics, Hitotsubashi University
(Open 9:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00 weekday)
E-mail:ec-kyomu[at mark]
Fax: +81 (0)42-580-8195
- Pamphlet
- For detail, please read the pamphlet of the program [in Japanese]. (Download from here)
- Related links
- Hitotsubashi University – Graduate School of Commerce and Management/ Faculty of Commerce and Management
Hitotsubashi Univsersity Faculty of Economics
Hitotsubashi University, Graduate School of Social Sciences/ Faculty of Social Sciences
Hitotsubashi University, School of International and Public Policy
Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Master’s Program, Medical and Dental Science and Technology Track, Master of Medical Administration (MMA) Course Tokyo Institute of Technology
Tokyo Institute of Technology
The Tokyo Consortium of Four Universities