On Wednesday 2, October, 2024, HIAS Health will hold its 70th regular seminar. Dr. Nguyen The Phuong, Assistant Professor, HIAS, Hitotsubashi University will present her research.
Date & timeSeptember 18 (Wed), 2024 16:00~17:00
VenueHybrid (HIAS Seminar Room (Faculty Building Ⅱ, Room 517), Kunitachi West Campus, Hitotsubashi University / Online via Zoom)
SpeakerPhuong The Nguyen (Assistant Professor, HIAS, Hitotsubashi University)
Title"Trends and Projections of Child Immunization in 33 African Countries (2000-2030): A Spatial-Temporal Bayesian Analysis for Universal Health Coverage"
To register, please send a message with your name, affiliation and current position to hias-info[at]ad.hit-u.ac.jp by September 30.